코로나19 백신의 원료?! 상어의 간유, 스쿠알렌

– – Happy sea. – Fun ocean common sense shark liver oil, squaleneHello, I’m KIOST, Korea Institute of Marine Science and Technology. In “The Old Man and the Sea,” a masterpiece of the Nobel Prize-winning American novelist Hemingway, there is a scene in which the main character, the old man, drank shark liver oil every morning and got well. What is shark liver oil, and how did it describe the old man becoming healthy- Shark liver oil used in folk remedies refers to fatty oils extracted from the liver such as cod, shark, and pollack. Among them, shark liver oil has long been widely used as a folk remedy for various diseases such as weakness, wound healing, and gastrointestinal diseases in Scandinavians in Buk-gu. This was due to the outstanding efficacy of squalene, the main ingredient in shark liver oil.What is squalene?Squalene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon system found in shark liver oil, olives, amaranth seeds, rice bran, malt, etc., and has an extremely low coagulation point. Squalene penetrates cells and tissues well with a light and smooth texture, dissolving fat-soluble pesticides, carcinogens, environmental pollutants, and heavy metals stored in them and discharging them out of the tissues. Also, by activating metabolism, oxygen is supplied into the cells to produce new cells.When MF59, an immune aid using squalane, enters the human body, it activates T cells, which are immune cells, and increases the number of cells. As such, squalane is an auxiliary ingredient that creates a strong immune response and enhances the effectiveness of vaccines, and is also used as a raw material for immunological aids and influenza vaccines. Some influenza vaccines are already using squalane as a raw material to increase their effectiveness.- Because of the efficacy of COVID-19 and squalansquarene, some pharmaceutical companies have announced that they will develop a new coronavirus vaccine based on squalane. In the case of Clark Sosmyskline in the UK, it announced in May that it would secure 1 billion squalene doses for mass production of the COVID-19 vaccine. The problem is that shark capture can increase significantly due to squalane extraction. 3,000 sharks are needed to collect 1t of squalane, and 250,000 sharks will disappear if 7.8 billion people around the world are vaccinated once.- Sharks that are good for collecting synthetic squalane are slow-growing organisms. Since the growth period is longer than that of other fish species and does not reproduce in large quantities, the population decreases in an instant and it is difficult to recover. Sharks are in danger of extinction if demand increases with the COVID-19 vaccine.To prevent this, it is necessary to develop vegetable squalane, which is contained in a small amount in some plants, such as olive oil and corn oil, into synthetic squalane that can be used for vaccines, and to take safe measures. A biochemical manufacturer in the U.S. has already started developing squalane compounds by fermenting sugarcane. We hope that these alternatives will be developed as soon as possible and that both humans and sharks will be safe.참고자료<아쥬반트>, 네이버 지식백과<squalene>. wikitionaryヒトの皮膚におけるステロールとスクアレン合成の部位(Nニコライデス他)><ワクチン、スクアレンおよび抗スクアレン抗体: 「事実かフィクションか?」「G Lippi, G Targher et al.」<スクアレンとスクアレンの生物学的重要性と応用>、K Kim、F Karadenizら.<Squareren adjuvant in vaccine>, shark allies <Squareren adjuvant in vaccine>, David A. The Shark of the World. Elbert – p. 41참고자료<아쥬반트>, 네이버 지식백과<squalene>. wikitionaryヒトの皮膚におけるステロールとスクアレン合成の部位(Nニコライデス他)><ワクチン、スクアレンおよび抗スクアレン抗体: 「事実かフィクションか?」「G Lippi, G Targher et al.」<スクアレンとスクアレンの生物学的重要性と応用>、K Kim、F Karadenizら.<Squareren adjuvant in vaccine>, shark allies <Squareren adjuvant in vaccine>, David A. The Shark of the World. Elbert – p. 41참고자료<아쥬반트>, 네이버 지식백과<squalene>. wikitionaryヒトの皮膚におけるステロールとスクアレン合成の部位(Nニコライデス他)><ワクチン、スクアレンおよび抗スクアレン抗体: 「事実かフィクションか?」「G Lippi, G Targher et al.」<スクアレンとスクアレンの生物学的重要性と応用>、K Kim、F Karadenizら.<Squareren adjuvant in vaccine>, shark allies <Squareren adjuvant in vaccine>, David A. The Shark of the World. Elbert – p. 41

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